The cover of Botmon Issue 1

The back cover of Botmon Issue 1

Jonathan's first page from Botmon

One of Jonathan's pages from Botmon

A photo of the inside of the printed Botmon book


Botmon is a 16 page + covers superhero comic with a lusty twist, a collaboration between myself and fellow Toronto cartoonist Paterson Hodgson.

The exercise/experiment saw us each draw pages that explore action, character and layout. The outcome is an homage/parody set in the rich world of "Botmon" built from Paterson and I passing the story back and forth until it's climactic, adults-only conclusion.

The black and white (noir), 8.5" x 11" comic debuted at Zine Dream 13, Sept 24-25, 2022 at MOCA Toronto.

One of Jonathan's panels from Botmon